Here are a few highlights from an article called “Mere Mortals Confront the Ultimate Ham” in New York Magazine’s Grub Street:
“It's the ultimate prize, the holy grail for pork-lovers: the famed jamón ibérico de bellota, the black-footed, acorn-fed Spanish ham… it's illegal in this country.”
“It was approved for importation to America last year — but it takes three years to cure and age under the conditions dictated for its Stateside distribution. It's the ultimate pork product. And no one in America can get it until 2008. "I have waited all my life for this moment. I will have tears in my eyes," Eric Ripert told the New York Post recently.”
“Not everyone is content to wait. One august food-world figure had someone send him legal Italian prosciutto, into which a friend had shuffled the good stuff. A wine importer once kept slices of the ham, wrapped in Cryovac, rolled up inside a boot within a suitcase during a flight.”